Pupil Attendance – Leave in Term Time
All schools have a responsibility to promote positive attendance, take a firm stance on dealing with unnecessary absence and to dispel the myth held by many parents that there is an entitlement to time off school for holidays in term time.
Headteachers cannot authorise any leave of absence during term time unless they are satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances to warrant the granting of leave.
Our Governing Body has adopted the Lancashire County Council Attendance Policy and Procedures. To read this in more detail, please visit out policy section of the school website. Click here to be redirected.
Key points to note include:
- You are required to complete an ‘application for leave of absence’ form well in advance of the proposed absence (one month minimum) Please click here for a copy of the application form.
- The Headteacher may wish to meet applicants to discuss each application on its own merits
- Penalty Notices (fines) will be used when parents choose to remove their child(ren) from school during term-time without the permission of the Headteacher.
We hope all parents will acknowledge and understand the limitations placed on schools in granting any leave in term time. Therefore, we need parents to support the school in our efforts to reduce unnecessary absence and thus minimise the impact on the education of our pupils.
Similarly, good time-keeping is also essential – children who are late to school often feel embarrassed and often miss important elements of the day’s learning.
The National Association of Headteachers (NAHT) has advised its members to adopt advice that aims to clarify what is meant by an ‘exceptional’ reason for absence. The guidance also provides a clear analysis of the key issues. Mr Hargreaves will be using this advice from when considering applications from parents for pupil absence during term-time. Family holidays in term time are not considered exceptional circumstances.
Parents who would like to read the advice document should click here.