As the majority of children continuously become increasingly active in the world of technology, whether it be for digital learning, communication or for recreational purposes, there is a real need to recognise the risks that they are exposed to, while engaging with others online and to take action to minimise those risks.
As an increasing number of children frequently access a range of devices, both in and out of school, including games consoles, mobile phones, tablets, computers and more, access to online resources can be extremely beneficial but unfortunately, also comes with considerable risks.
As a school, we wish to do all we can to safeguard children whilst they are accessing online facilities and to keep up to date with any new and current risks arising. This allows us to take a proactive approach in combating those risks using relevant online security filters and through working in partnership and raising awareness with parents / carers and children. As part of this approach, we regularly evaluate our online safety policy and procedures to ensure that they remain current and relevant. We also offer information and advice to parents / carers via our regular school newsletters and here on our school website. Awareness of online safety issues is also discussed with our children during PSHE lessons, computing lessons and on a need for discussion basis.
We want our children to thrive in this ever growing world of technology and enjoy the new opportunities and possibilities that it brings, but we want them to learn how to do so safely and safeguard them to the best of our ability throughout their journey.
Please find below, some useful links to a variety of useful resources and information, that may help you as parents / carers, to tackle online safety at home.
Online Safety Support for Parents
Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership
Online Safety Tips for Parents
Staying Safe Online: A Guide for Parents
National Online Safety: 7 Conversation Starters
National Online Safety: Age Ratings
National Online Safety: Instagram
National Online Safety: WhatsApp
National Online Safety: YouTube